Financial Resources for Cultivators

Project Trellis
Local Equity Program V2.1
The application period will close Friday September 16th, 2022 at 5pm.
V2.1 Eligibility qualifications
To be considered for Local Equity Program eligibility individuals need to meet all of the following initial qualifications:
- The applicant’s household is at or below the moderate income level based on current year available Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Income Limits (ILs) for Humboldt County.
- The applicant is a Humboldt County resident.
- The applicant is a shareholder or has at least 20% ownership interest in a cannabis business, such as cultivation, distribution, manufacturing, retail, testing, laboratory, or micro-business.
The LEP allows for the funding, through grants, for a maximum of up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per equity recipient on eligible service items, in aggregate over all LEP grant rounds.
- Annual fees and contribution toward work for a Humboldt County Road Maintenance Association (RMA) for public and private road networks providing access to cannabis activity operations by eligible cannabis equity program applicants or licensees, where such road networks may adversely impact watersheds providing habitat for threatened or endangered species.
- Legal assistance for the formation of an Agricultural Cooperative or Cannabis Cooperative Association pursuant to California Business and Professions Code sections 26220 -26231.2, with majority membership comprised of Humboldt County cannabis permit applicants or licensees.
- Processing of cannabis product through a licensed cannabis processor
- Transportation of cannabis product through a license cannabis distributor
- Local and state cannabis taxes
- Capital improvements for; purposes of assuring compliance with regulatory requirements of County or California licenses
- Work to meet California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Lake & Streambed Alteration Agreement (LSAA) compliance
- Application and program fees for cannabis business certifications
- Fees to agencies and/or professionals who offer cannabis small business development assistance for Humboldt County-based cannabis businesses.
- State cannabis licensing costs
- Rent for facilities associated with cannabis business
- Cannabis business startup costs or financial solvency needs

California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Qualified Cultivator Funding Opportunity (QCFO)
The QCFO is accepting applications through spring of 2023!
Review the Solicitation(opens in new tab) and contact CRGP if you are interested in applying for this funding opportunity.
For more information click here to be directed to CDFW’s website
Qualified Cultivator Funding Opportunity
Click here to download the Cannabis Restoration Grant Program
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is now accepting concept proposals in preparation for the Qualified Cultivator Funding Opportunity, Proposal Solicitation Notice (Solicitation). The Solicitation is scheduled for release in fall of 2021 and will be open for applying until spring of 2023. Applications will be approved on a scheduled basis. Funding Funding of proposals submitted under the Qualified Cultivator Funding Opportunity will be subject to availability of funds. Up to $6 million may be available.

Hum. Co. Water Storage and Conservation Grant Program
Funding for Cannabis Cultivators to Add Water Storage and Conserve Water
The Water Storage and Conservation Grant Program provides funding to state-licensed cannabis cultivators to install water storage and implement water conservation measures–an important step in the transition to an annual state license. The Program is funded by the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC)’s Environmental Compliance and Equity Fund. Up to $60,000 of funds per parcel will be available for eligible projects.
Application Deadline
The online application is now available. For more information and to see if the program is right for you, please refer to the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). You may review a mock-up application to know what to expect.
Submit your online application no later than 5pm PST on Friday, September 2, 2022.

Deadline: No later than 4 years from the date the tax was paid.
Reminder that cultivators can submit an application for a Measure S refund from previous years as a result of the successful Measure S lawsuit against the county last year. Refunds are available if you either didn’t cultivate cannabis during the year of the tax, or grew less square footage that your permit allowed.

Deadline: Before May 15th of each growing season.
This form allows a cultivator to reduce their square footage and “fallow” some or all cultivation.
Click Here to be redirected to the County’s website!
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Be part of our mission to preserve, protect and enhance Humboldt’s world-renowned cannabis.