HCGA Hemp Position AB 45 and SB 235

Policy Committee voted unanimously to adopt a position on hemp with three principles: 1) there should be testing parity (for pesticides, heavy metals, etc). between hemp and cannabis, 2) the state should close legal loopholes that allow high-THC products to be sold as "hemp," and 3) the quantity of active cannabinoids in hemp products should be physically labeled on hemp products.

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HCGA Staffing Announcement

Welcome back Heather Luther in the position as HCGA’s Membership Director. Heather is re-joining the team to increase membership retention and growth strategies, enhance communication engagement and activity, and be responsive to the needs of the membership.Thank you to Nicole Riggs for serving in the position of HCGA’s Marketing and Education director. Nicole is the founder and owner of Manifesto Synergies, a marketing and branding firm specialized in cannabis.

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Kaylie Saxon, of Forbidden Fruit Farms, elected to serve as Chair of the Board of Directors

Kaylie has served on the board for Humboldt County Growers Alliance since 2019. Her beliefs in strong communication, creativity, and community unification have not gone unnoticed, and in February 2021, Kaylie’s fellow board members elected her to serve as Chairwoman of the Board.

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Legacy Cannabis Cultivation – Letter for Sens. Booker, Schumer, and Wyden

In February, U.S. Senators released a statement announcing their intention to pursue federal cannabis legalization through the U.S. Senate in 2021. HCGA, in coalition with other legacy producing regions, sent the Senators a letter requesting to be included as stakeholders as the details of this legislation is developed

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