Update on Humboldt County Marketing Assessment

Last week the Humboldt County Dept. of Economic Development hosted two Town Halls for the Humboldt County Cannabis Marketing Assessment. The county will post the recordings from those meetings on their website (TBD). 

Next Steps:

  1. The comment deadline is extended to October 16, 2020
  2. Comments can be sent directly to Scott Adair, “Adair, Scott” <Sadair@co.humboldt.ca.us>
  3. You can use the form found on the county’s website
  4. Attached is the full Marketing Assessment
  5. A summary of the Marketing Assessment
  6. Here is the long-format YouTube video of the assessment presentation

HCGA would like to hear directly from its members. Use the #Marketing_Design channel in Slack to focus conversation, and will bring this back to our Industry Affairs Call on October 14th for more discussion, but most important is that you tell the County what you want from a cannabis marketing program.