Category: Appellations

A New State Law Could Allow Small-Scale Outdoor Cannabis Farmers to Adopt the French Wine Concept of
The analogy gets used so often it’s practically a cliché: Humboldt County is (or perhaps still aspires to be) to cannabis what Napa Valley is

HCGA Submits Coalition Appellation Public Comment
On October 19, HCGA’s policy committee approved public comment on CDFA’s second set of proposed appellation regulations.

Summary of Proposed Cannabis Appellation Regulations
Background on Proposed Regulations On February 21, 2020, CDFA released its first set of proposed regulations for the establishment of cannabis appellations. In coalition with

Governor Newsom Makes Cannabis Terroir Program Official With SB 67 Signing
HCGA supported and helped drive this bill to reserve appellations of origin specifically for cannabis plants grown in the ground, under full sun, without the

SB67 Cannabis Appellations Bill introduced by Senator McGuire and Assemblymember Wood
On Tuesday June 30th, North Coast Legislators Senator Mike McGuire and Assemblymember Jim Wood introduced Senate Bill 67, which proposes to further refine and develop the state’s cannabis geographic indications program for licensed California cannabis.

Humboldt County Cannabis Marketing Assessment Update
On May 13, 2020, Humboldt County Growers Alliance (HCGA) signed a contract with Humboldt County to develop and complete a Humboldt County Marketing Analysis and Assessment.

Board of Supervisors Support Appellations
The Board of Supervisors unanimously advanced a letter to Senator McGuire requesting legislation be run on HCGA’s top policy priority for appellations.
HCGA Public Comment on Appellations Regulations
Since late February, HCGA has worked with partners in other legacy cultivation regions to develop consensus-based comments in response to CDFA’s proposed cannabis appellation regulations.