HCGA Submits Coalition Appellation Public Comment

On October 19, HCGA’s policy committee approved public comment on CDFA’s second set of proposed appellation regulations. Comments were submitted along with a coalition of legacy cannabis producing regions statewide, and emphasize the importance of terroir-based appellations and  high-quality appellation petitions developed by community consensus. 

Over the next several weeks, CDFA will consider comments and develop a final set of regulations in preparation for implementation of the appellations program on January 1, 2021. Over the coming weeks and months HCGA will continue to advocate with CDFA as the appellations program is developed and implemented.

Oct. 19, 2020 CAP Coalition Letter

Oct. 19, 2020 OC Partners CAP Comments


I am writing today to urgently request your veto on AB 1207, legislation which would ban images of humans, fruits, and vegetables in cannabis labeling,

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