HCGA Hemp Position AB 45 and SB 235

On Monday, March 8th, the Policy Committee voted unanimously to adopt a position on hemp with three principles: 1) there should be testing parity (for pesticides, heavy metals, etc). between hemp and cannabis, 2) the state should close legal loopholes that allow high-THC products to be sold as “hemp,” and 3) the quantity of active cannabinoids in hemp products should be physically labeled on hemp products. On Tuesday, we sent the attached letter to the authors of two identical hemp bills (AB 45 and SB 235) outlining that position and suggesting amendments that we think would address each issue. SB 235  is scheduled to be heard in Senate Health Committee tomorrow afternoon, we’ll keep everyone updated as we learn more.


I am writing today to urgently request your veto on AB 1207, legislation which would ban images of humans, fruits, and vegetables in cannabis labeling,

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